Photo: Courtesy of Carly Heitlinger
The three essential things a woman should know about style are...
Classic pieces are worth investing in, iron your clothes, and be yourself.
Please describe your style in three words.
Classic, quirky, comfortable.
What is the biggest mistake one can make when getting dressed?
Wearing the wrong size! Don’t trust labels — different brands have varying sizing. Don’t worry about the size on the label and go with what fits. Wearing a size that’s too small can actually make you look larger (and really tight clothing is just not comfortable).
Do you believe in role models?
Yes and no. I think there’s something to be said about looking up to someone, but it’s important to remember that people are just that… people!
What are your favourite fabrics?
I do love a good summer seersucker!
Are there any style combinations that you object to?
I don’t really like bandage skirts and dresses in general. I see girls pair these tight (and short) dresses with blazers; adding a blazer does not make the dress appropriate for business wear!
Which city has the best-dressed women?
I love how every city has its own style!
Would you say that you are conservative or bold?
Conservative, definitely.
What are the rules, if any, in the way you dress?
I never wear anything that feels uncomfortable. If I don’t feel good, it doesn’t matter if I look good.
One garment/accessory that you can never have enough of?
Button ups.
A woman should always look like...
She is confident.
How do you select your clothing every morning?
I try to plan my outfits in my head as I fall asleep the night before, or while I’m showering in the morning.
Do you have any shopping rituals?
I have a bad habit of stress shopping…
We will never see you wearing...
Crop tops… just say no.
Which new designers do you follow and why?
I really love J. Crew’s creative director Jenna Lyons. I love how she is always herself and isn’t afraid of colour and prints!
The most stylish person you have ever seen...
A ton of my peers at Georgetown!
What is the first thing you notice on a woman?
Shoes. I love shoes!
Which designer never fails to impress you?
I like all kinds of designers, but my favourite is nearly all of J. Crew…
One article of clothing that a woman needs to pay close attention to is...
Jeans — finding the perfect fit takes a lot of patience.
Is comfort an enemy of style?
You can have your cake and eat it too!
Who would you like to see next in My Style?
Sarah Vickers.
The best word of advice you have ever heard?
Do what you love.