Photo: Courtesy of Hayley Atkin
The three essential things a woman should know about style are...
Your style should be an extension of who you are. Don’t take it too seriously. Be courageous and have fun.
Please describe your style in three words.
Classic, subtle, feminine.
What is the biggest mistake one can make when getting dressed?
Anything goes as far as I’m concerned. I guess the only mistake to be had is a lack of confidence in what you are wearing.
Do you believe in role models?
Yes. They are inspiring.
What are your favourite fabrics?
Silk is the ultimate. It’s so luxurious.
Are there any style combinations that you object to?
Nope. I truly believe everything goes together. It is only the way you put it together that matters.
Which city has the best-dressed women?
Paris, of course!
Would you say that you are conservative or bold?
My style is conservative. But I admire boldness!
What are the rules in the way you dress?
I believe rules for dressing is a thing of the past. I’m proud to wear white after Labour Day. I guess my one rule is to make sure I am comfortable in the clothes I am wearing. I’m on my feet all day on photo shoots and I’ve suffered the consequences before.
Celebrities and style...
Don’t automatically mix. This is where the stylist becomes an important asset.
Name one garment/accessory that you can never have enough of?
A woman should always look like...
She is wearing the clothes and the clothes are not wearing her.
Who taught you what you know about style?
My mother.
How do you select your clothing every morning?
I open my closet and the first thing that grabs my eye I take out. Then I select what to pair with the item after. It’s the same strategy I use when I shop.
What is your biggest regret?
Selling a one-of-a-kind Alexander McQueen jacket when I was in a pinch.
Do you have any shopping rituals?
I love the hunt without having to dig. I can spend days wandering through markets and stores and I just wait for something to jump out at me. Something always does.
We will never see you wearing...
High heels.
What is the first thing you notice on a woman?
Her face. I try not to look a woman up and down immediately. I find it rude. Once we get to know each other I think it is fair to start looking.
What are the most treasured items in your wardrobe?
My Céline loafers.
The one image that defined your approach to style...
Annie Hall. I always try to add a masculine touch to every outfit I put on. It grounds me and makes me feel strong.
Which fashion house never fails to impress you?
Chanel. A classic that has remained so relevant. Karl Lagerfeld is a genius.
One article of clothing that a woman needs to pay close attention to is...
Her shoes. Can she walk in them? That is the most important question to ask.
Is comfort an enemy of style?
No. You should see my collection of flat oxfords. Comfort is my style.
Who would you like to recommend for My Style?
Tilda Swinton.
The best words of advice you have ever heard?
Getting dressed should be fun. It’s not rocket science.